Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vancouver Fashion Week's #VFWFashionFriday Contest

I have some very exciting news to share with all of you!! Back in July, I won the first #VFWFashionFriday contest of the season for Vancouver Fashion Week and VIP tickets to their Spring/Summer 2013 show this coming September. I won by tweeting the below picture to #VFWFashionFriday on friday (of course!), after it was selected by Kenton Magazine's Editor-in-Chief Alexander Liang. I was honoured to say the least, and overjoyed to again be going to Vancouver Fashion Week!

As a result, VFW asked if I would be the face of their Fashion Friday Contest campaign. How could I resist?! I must say, picking out 6 outfits for the shoot was much harder than I thought; usually I will ponder in front of my closet for hours over just one outfit. Eventually the inspiration fell into place and I came up with 6 very different styles to transition from summer to fall. We has such a blast, and director Katrina Bollozos and photographer Sheila Arias as well as our Vancouver Vogue photographer (assistant on this shoot) did such an amazing job. We were one hilarious group to work with!

If you're a starving student like me, or just want to save yourself a good chunk of money, I highly recommend you fashionable Vancouverites get in on this contest! It's the fastest way to win a set of VIP tickets to a day of shows at Vancouver Fashion Week (September 18-23).

You can also check out the VFW blog and facebook page to get all the latest updates on the event as well as local and international fashion articles to get you psyched for September!

If you're going to VFW, let me know which days; if I'm there, come say hi! We'd love to snap your look for Vancouver Vogue's VFW series!

Happy Styling! xo


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