Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fashion Blogger Wardrobe Sale: March 23

I am super excited to be one of the Vancouver fashion bloggers who will be selling some of my pre-loved wardrobe pieces at HashtagOOTD, the Blogger Wardrobe Sale on March 23rd! Many of my sale items  have been featured on the blog here before, as well as some other treasures I haven't had the chance to share with you yet. So come by, bring a clothing item to donate to the Salvation Army (that's the price of admission), and shop, shop, shop! I can't wait to meet you all in person!

Find out more details on the Facebook page, and then make sure that if you plan to attend you RSVP here.

Here are some of the looks I'll have up for sale:

Hope to see you there, and happy styling! xo



  1. Look foward to meeting you there Britta!

    1. Yay! Can't wait, Jenny! Big pile of clothes just sitting in the middle of my room right now... :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You have really cute pieces!

    I just posted about the wardrobe sale on my blog! Would appreciate it you checked it out :)


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