It was all-dark ensembles at Salvation Army this week! Maybe it's the cold weather...
Sometimes I get so excited about an item's potential, I buy it anyway, even though it needs some work. This gorgeously elegant gown is a few sizes too big, but once I figure out how to take it in (or take it to a seamstress), it's going to be perfect!! Then I just need to find an event to wear it to...
Store: Salvation Army
Brand: Jessica McClintock - Gunne Sax
Section: Dresses
What I Paid: $12.99
What it's Worth: ~ $70
Finding a good sweater dress is everything you need during winter. It's the best go-to for a lazy day at home: just the sweater and leggings...and maybe some leg warmers too if it's really chilly!
Store: Salvation Army
Brand: La Classe Couture
Section: Dresses
What I Paid: $6.99
What it's Worth: ?
Yes, I know it is incredibly wrinkled/ I am lazy. But imagine it without the wrinkles, and it's it cool? I love how open the back is; you could wear it bare, or with a lacy tank. The cap sleeves don't hurt either. It's key to note this was found in the blouse section, not the t-shirt section. Sometimes, items straddle two sections and they end up in the less likely of the two...another reason to take a good browse through all the store sections!
Store: Salvation Army
Brand: Pins and Needles
Section: Blouses
What I Paid: $6.99
What it's Worth: ~ $40
Happy Styling! xo
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